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Fritsche GmbH for lubrication pump
The Fritsche GmbH & Co. KG is a commercial enterprise, founded in 1989 with the focus at fittings and hoses for central lubrication technology, lubrication pump.
In Order to achieve increased marked share and profitability, the Fritsche GmbH & Co. KG will provide exceptional customer service through knowledge, fair prices, and timely deliveries.

Company Fritsche GmbH & Co. KG. is manufacturer of industrial fittings for lubrication systems like hose lines, reusable screw connections and a various range of accessories. Worldwide, we supply producers of lubrication systems (OEMS) and wholesaler. Components for lubrication pump.

High quality standard of products, fair prices for our customers and on time delivery established us, the Fritsche GmbH & Co KG, for more than 22 years to an appreciated partner on the centralised lubrication systems sector. As an efficient producer and supplier for fittings and hose lines for centralised lubrication systems we supply as well producer as industry, factories and municipality worldwide with our products, whether Australia, North America, Latin America or Eastern - and Western Europe.

The Fritsche GmbH & Co. KG is a german manufacturer of fittings, hose lines and other accessories for lubrication systems, centralized lubrication and lubrication pump.

Our range includes a high number of well-established fittings and hose lines. However, we are expanding our selection steadily on demand of our customers, thanks the thinness of our company we are able to react very quickly and flexibly on our customer needs. Innovative ideas concerning production flow and product development can be adapted after a short period of testing.

Kategorie: Aufrufen
Eingetragen am: 25.02.2012
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Thema: Webseite
Keywords: lubrication pump central lubrication lubrication
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